Episode 56 - It's Not Over Yet

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On this week’s episode of Written Closure, I continue the conversation on racism and ways it manifests itself in our daily lives. I also talk about anti-racism being a commitment and not a trend and answer the question: Where we do go from here?

Written Closure is a weekly podcast where I, writer and host, Shirley De Leon, discuss topics, such as love, loss, pain, and resilience and read poems on these topics as a form of self-reflection. All poems are sometimes written and always read by me. Follow me on Instagram at @shiloudeleon. Like, share and subscribe to the podcast. If you love the show, please give it a 5-star review. Thank you for listening!

Links mentioned:

Note: Some links below may appear more than once. List of links updated: August 10, 2020.

*Newly posted links.



*GoFundMe for Brian Powers Egypt

*GoFundMe for Tobi Aboaba

GoFundMe for Noelle Deleon

Justice4Saraya Card (Links to petitions and donations included)

GoFundMe to Help Imani Bashir Support Her Family

GoFundMe for Black Geographers (A non-profit organization dedicated to combatting Black erasure in Geography and other related fields.)

GoFundMe to Help Princess Survive in Tokyo

GoFundMe to Help Sydney Smith Pay for College

GoFundMe for Alana Auston’s Tuition

GoFundMe for Zahara I.’s Surgery

GoFundMe for Black Land Matters

GoFundMe for Brigette Brantley

GoFundMe for Elijah McClain

GoFundMe for Jaden Emir Pillors

Homeless Black Trans Women Fund

List of Bail Funds for Protestors Across the Country 

National Bail Fund Network Directory (Links to donate to The Emergency Rapid Response Fund, community bail and bond funds in each state included.)

GoFundMe for Dominique Fells

GoFundMe for Riah Milton

Say Their Names Card (Links to petitions and donations included)

Black Lives Matter Card (Links to petitions and donations included)

Donate to GoFundMe for Breonna Taylor



Petitions that haven’t met their goal

Change.org Petition for Tshego Pule

Change.org Petition to Reopen Kenneka Jenkins Case

Change.org Petition for Rodney Reed

MoveOn.org Petition for Kenneka Jenkins

Change.org Petition for Kenneka Jenkins

Change.org Petition for Gloria Bambo

Change.org Petition for COVID-19 Economic Response: Cancel Student Loans by Executive Order.

The Grassroots Law Project & The Action PAC: Stand With Breonna

Signatures Carrd (multiple petitions included)

Clemency for Calvin Johnson

Change.org Petition for Kayla Moore

Change.org Petition for Dafonte Miller

Change.org Petition for Althea Berstein

Teach British Schools About Racism and British History

Change.org Petition for Darrius Stewart

Petition Congress to Pass a Federal Ban on Guns in Hospitals

Justice for Cornelius Fredericks! Shut Sequel Facility Down

Change.org Petition for Kadijah M. Saccoh

Require First Responders to be Educated in Dealing with People with Mental Illness

Reopen the case involving the death of Tamla Horsford

Change.org Petition for Andres Guardado

Protect Black Trans Women!

Trans People Do Exist! I Do Exist!

Trans rights/rights to healthcare

Bring Back Trans Right in Healthcare

More Protection for Black Trans Women UK

Reinstate laws that protect LGBTQIA+ people's right to healthcare

Protect transgender kids and prevent the passage of HB303

Disallow Trump's New Rule Allowing Hospitals To Denial Care Based On LGBTQIA+ Status

Ban The Confederate Flag From Public Schools

Change.org Petition for Tete Gulley

Change.org Petition for Natasha McKenna

Change.org Petition for Oluwatoyin "Toyin" Salau

Change.org Petition for David McAtee

Change.org Petition for Dominique Fells

Change.org Petition for Kionte Spencer

Change.org Petition for violated human rights of protestors

Change.org Petition for Malcolm Harsch

Change.org Petition for Robert Fuller

Color of Change Petition for Charleena Lyles

Change.org Petition for Tony McDade

Change.org Petition for Breonna Taylor

Change.org Petition for Regis Korchinski-Paquet 

Change.org Petition for Tamla Horsford

Change.org Petition for Shukri Abdi

Fight For The Future Petition - Don’t Let Congress Kill Encryption (***A bill introduced that would legalize invasive surveillance and online censorship by the government. Please sign the petition. Protect our rights to privacy and free speech online.***)

“How to Support Black Trans People Right Now” from Paper Magazine (A list of Black Trans Organizations to donate to and petitions to sign included)



“The White That Binds” from Medium

Mental Health Resources for African-Americans from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America

”How black Americans can practice self-care during these trying times. And how everyone else can help them.” from The Philadelphia Inquirer

“Why Are Protesters Being Framed As The Problem? White Supremacy.” from Refinery29

“Allies, Don’t Fail Us Again” from New York Times

Police: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver (HBO), June 7, 2020

George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancing Show With Trevor Noah


Campaign Zero

North Star Health Collective

Stand With Bre (petition for Breonna Taylor)

Black Lives Matter Petition

A pyramid outlining overt (socially unacceptable) vs. covert (socially acceptable) white supremacy from @theconsciouskid on Instagram

5 Ways to Take Action For All Non-Black People from @theconsciouskid on Instagram

An excerpt of Peggy McIntosh’s "White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming To See Correspondences through Work in Women's Studies" (List of examples of white privilege included)


Hot Coffee by Ghostrifter Official | https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-official |

Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US |

Email: ghostrifter.contact@gmail.com

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-of...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GhostrifterO...

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoRh...